The high quality workmanship that both Yamaha and Kawai put into their Japanese pianos is the main reason that people buy these wonderful instruments.
Japanese Yamaha, Kawai pianos new, used, second hand, reconditioned piano for sale Northern Ireland
Second hand Yamaha and Kawai pianos offer the public a chance to purchase these pianos at a fraction of the price of new models. Don’t be misled in thinking that all Japanese pianos are of the same quality as Yamaha and Kawai. This is not the case! Other Japanese factories don’t use the same quality materials as Yamaha and Kawai and they are not built to the same standard.
In selecting your piano it is recommended that you do not buy a second hand Yamaha and Kawai built before 1960. These pianos are now getting a little old and are showing signs of wear and tear. The safest way to buy a Yamaha and Kawai is from a reputable dealer. Make sure the company in which you are dealing with are well established with a good history and are able to offer a back up service should anything go wrong.
An honest piano dealer will offer you a good warranty. 3/5 years depending on make, age, model etc… Yamaha/Kawai hold their money very well especially second hand ones. Expect your piano in 10 years to be worth around 65-70% of what you paid for it. For example .. if you pay £4000 today, expect it to be worth £2800 in real terms in approximately 10 years time. Please note that this is only a guide
If you buy a brand new Yamaha or even a Steinway or any other respected brand the value can plummet by anything up to 30% as soon as you take delivery of it as it instantly goes from “new” to “used” and it will continue to decrease steadily for a few years more but if you buy a used or reconditioned Steinway or Yamaha piano it doesn’t suffer the same initial hit because the intense depreciation has already happened, somebody else took that hit for you.
If you buy a basic beginners piano you can be sure that it will not be in high demand a few years down the line. This means you will have to wait a long time to sell it or be prepared to sell for a shocker of a low price. If you buy a top quality model, such as the Yamaha U3 or U1, then you can be sure that it will hold its value very well because people will always be looking to buy those models. As of now 2021 , the U series re-condtioned from Japan are becoming increasingly harder to find, therefore not only are the inital buy price increasing , the value of the resale costs is also increasing ! So your piano will always stay in line with any price increases.
The value of your piano also depends on the way you have looked after your piano. Tune your instrument at least once a year. Get a qualified technician to check it over while he’s tuning it.
These quality built instruments will last a life time (providing you look after them) and will offer great touch and tone no matter who’s playing !!